Saving and Loading Flights

Wanting to save flights using screenshots, movies, replays, or situations in X-Plane 11? Watch this video or scroll down for more information.

To save a flight, go to the File menu and select one of the options: Save Flight, Take Screenshot, or Toggle Video Recording. See the image and explanations below for more information.

By default, everything discussed here is saved in the output folder of your main X-Plane directory (X-Plane 11/Output).


These are single images that save your current view.
Select "Take Screenshot" or shift+space save a screenshot.


Movies are recording of your flight that you can play outside of X-Plane in standard video players. 

Select "Toggle Video Recording" or Ctrl+space to save a video recording of your flight.


If you want to record your current flight inside X-Plane, replays give you the ability to play a flight back. These are like a movie that is only viewable inside X-Plane.
Select "Save Flight" and then "Replay" and select your desired configuration to save a replay. Select "Load Flight" and choose your saved flight to load a replay.


Situations are a powerful tool that saves a "snapshot" of all factors at a given time makes a note of the aircraft you are using, its position in the air or on the ground, its payload, the amount of fuel in its tanks, and so on. It also includes information on the environmental conditions of the flight, including cloud conditions, temperature, and time of day.

Select "Save Flight" and then "Situations" and select your desired configuration to save a situation. Select "Load Flight" and choose your saved flight to load a situation.

More Information

Our manual has more detailed information on saving and loading flights. See "Save and Sharing Your Flight".

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